ASSFN Newsletter: Winter 2024

Fostering Research Careers in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Since the ASSFN has reaffirmed its mission to improve the lives of patients within nervous system disorders through education, collaboration, innovation, and advocacy for stereotactic and functional neurosurgeons, research stands as one of the society’s key pillars, alongside education/training and clinical practice/advocacy.

A critical unmet need within the research pillar is to provide support to young members striving to build successful careers as physician-scientists. To address this, ASSFN has established the ASSFN Research Grant.

Supporting Early-Career Neurosurgeons

The ASSFN Research Grant is designed to nurture the research careers of emerging stereotactic and functional neurosurgeons. The award recipient will be matched with an ASSFN member who will serve as a senior mentor and advisor. The mentor’s research area of interest and expertise will align with the recipient’s area of focus. To foster cross-institutional collaboration, the recipient is encouraged to belong to a different institution from their ASSFN mentor, facilitating partnerships that might not otherwise be feasible.

Expanding Impact Through Collaboration

ASSFN is proud to collaborate with the Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation (NREF) to combine the research award with the ASSFN Roy A.E. Bakay Honor Your Mentor Fund (HYMF) award, which also aims to support the research careers of a stereotactic and functional neurosurgeon.

Empowering Research Careers in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

The ASSFN Research Grant recipient will receive financial support from HYMF and the ASSFN to promote the development of invaluable skillsets and/or preliminary data that will serve the ASSFN Research Grant recipient’s investigative career in the future.

Learn more or donate to the ASSFN Roy A.E. Bakay Honor Your Mentor Fund visit:

Article by Dr. Jennifer Sweet