Laser Ablation


Laser ablation, also called thermal ablation or laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT), refers to a less invasive neurosurgical procedure to remove or destroy an unwanted part of the brain, whether because it is cancerous or causing seizures. The laser probe delivers thermal energy during an MRI scanner, so that the neurosurgeon can monitor the heat in real time and protect normal brain tissue. Often there is only a small amount of discomfort after the procedure and patients often go home in a day or two.

Laser ablation is not for all patients, however if a patient meets specific criteria, it can be a very effective treatment without some of the risks that come with more traditional craniotomies. In drug-resistant epilepsy, eligible patients have seizures which come from a single, well-described region of the brain. In tumor patients, laser therapy is often reserved for recurrences.If you think you or a loved one may be a candidate for a laser ablation please talk to your doctor, or use our Specialist Finder to find an expert near you.  More information on thermal ablations in epilepsy can be found at the Epilepsy foundation website — Thermal Ablation Surgery for Seizures | Epilepsy Foundation.