ASSFN AMPLify (Authorship, Mentorship, Partnership, and Leadership) Program
Project Background and Description
The American Association for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) has recently developed a strategic plan that includes the enhancement of educational opportunities for neurosurgeons at different stages of their careers. The Education Committee has therefore been tasked with the expansion of a mentorship program designed to generate and maintain interest in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery among residents and medical students. The aim of this program is to provide early exposure, practical guidance, and networking opportunities for this neurosurgical subspecialty. We hope that this effort reflects the association’s commitment to equipping the next generation of neurosurgeons with the essential tools and experience they need to become leaders and drive progress in the field of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery.
Project Scope
The AMPLify program will provide funding with the intent of fostering a relationship with a mentor who will allow the mentee to gain more experience with a specific research or clinical interest within Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. Mentor-mentee pairings in the program are established based on shared research interests or the mentor’s capacity to offer clinical experiences that enhance the mentee’s existing training from their home program.
A key feature of the program is a 3-month visiting fellowship at the mentor’s institution. This period allows mentees to engage in their planned research projects under the direct guidance of their mentor, while also providing them with the opportunity to acquire direct clinical experience. During the remaining 9 months, participants are expected to engage in formal meetings at least quarterly, supplemented by informal discussions as needed to support the mentee’s growth and learning. Mentees have the option to enroll in courses that will further their understanding and knowledge relevant to their proposed work.
Upon completion of the program, mentees are expected to present their experiences and research findings at an event held during the next ASSFN Biennial Meeting. For the 2025-2026 rotation cycle, this meeting will occur May 30 to June 2, 2026 in Cleveland, OH.
Eligibility: Residents and medical students in North America in good standing and with an interest in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery should apply. Candidates belonging to institutions with limited resources and mentorship opportunities are particularly encouraged to apply. Both the applicant and the proposed mentor are expected to be members of ASSFN.
Funding & Grant Duration: The awardee will receive financial support to offset the costs of housing, board, and travel at an amount to be determined by the ASSFN Board of Directors.
Mentorship Selection: Potential applicants will select a mentor of their choice from an institution outside of the applicant’s institution. Applicants are responsible for contacting their potential mentor and obtaining a letter of support from the mentor that is to be submitted with their application materials. Mentors may receive a nominal honorarium for their participation in this program to offset time and effort required to facilitating the mentee’s 3-month visiting fellowship.
Application Timeline (2025-2026 Cycle)
- November 1, 2024 – Applications due
- January 2025 – Preliminary funding decisions announced
- February-March 2025 – Funding amounts finalized after confirmations with mentee and mentor institutions
- July 2025-June 2026 – Fellowship experiences
Application Materials and Instructions
- Cover Letter (including confirmation of ASSFN membership for mentee and mentor)
- Applicant Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Support from Mentor (including confirmation that both mentor and mentee institutions have approved the experience and can obtain necessary credentials and, if applicable, clinical observer status)
- AMPLify Proposal (4-page limit)
- Applicant’s background
- Applicant’s current position/institution
- Rationale for Mentor Selection
- Proposed Course (if applicable)
- Proposed research project (may be basic science, translational, or clinical)
- Significance
- Approach
- Impact on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
- Proposed Schedule/Timeline (any contiguous 3-month period between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026)
Please combine all of the above application materials into a single PDF, save it as your name (LastnameFirstname.pdf) and submit via the below form by November 1, 2024.