American Society of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Research Grant Proposal

We are currently not accepting applications. The next cycle for applications will open in early 2024 for a 2-year award period starting in July 2024.

Project Background & Description

Through a detailed strategic planning process, the ASSFN clarified its mission to improve the lives of patients with nervous system disorders via the education, collaboration, innovation, and advocacy of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgeons. Ultimately, three primary pillars within the ASSFN were established to help achieve this goal: Education/Training, Research, and Clinical Practice/Advocacy.

Within the Research Pillar, one identifiable unmet need was that of helping young members develop a successful research career as physician/scientists. The ASSFN sought to address this by establishing a grant entitled the ASSFN Research Fellowship Award.

The award recipient, or ASSFN Fellow, will be matched with a senior mentor and advisor from the ASSFN, whose research area of interest and expertise is aligned with that of the recipient. The ASSFN Fellow is not required to belong to the same institution as the ASSFN mentor and, in fact, is encouraged to be outside of the mentor’s institution to foster a partnership and collaboration that might not otherwise be feasible. The ASSFN Fellow will receive financial support and mentorship through the ASSFN Research Fellowship Award to promote the development of invaluable skillsets and/or preliminary data that will serve the ASSFN Fellow’s investigative career in the future.

Project Scope

Eligibility: Candidates with an interest in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery and a research topic related to this field should apply. Preference will be given to young Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgeons (within 3 years of completion of fellowship), yet current fellows may also apply. Candidates belonging to institutions with limited resources and mentorship opportunities are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to domestic candidates, but international applications will be considered.

Funding & Grant Duration: The ASSFN Fellow will receive $200,000 over a 2-year period. Funding will be provided by the ASSFN and industry support.

Mentorship Selection: Potential applicants will select a potential mentor from this list, contact the mentor, and submit a letter of support from the mentor along with their applications. Selected mentors are encouraged but not required to be from an institution outside of the applicant’s institution. Applicants may select a mentor who is not on the ASSFN list, however, a letter of justification for this mentorship selection will be required along with an additional signed letter by the mentor agreeing to abide by the grant contract put forth by the ASSFN.

Required Application Documents: The application must include the following:

  • Cover Letter
  • Mentorship Letter of Support
  • Applicant Curriculum Vitae
  • 3-page Research Proposal:
    • Candidate’s background, current position, mentor selection, and reason for applying (1 page)
    • Research idea, significance, innovation (1 page)
    • Project timeline and budget (1 page)

For applications with mentors not on ASSFN list, the following additional materials are also required:

  • Mentorship Justification Letter
  • Mentor-ASSFN Contract Agreement Letter

The application deadline for this cycle has passed. Please check back for updates regarding details for the upcoming application cycle.

Application Pre-proposals & Review Process

Pre-Proposals: Grant pre-proposals will be welcomed for submission to the ASSFN Research Committee by January 15. This will give applicants the opportunity to request assistance with mentorship selection/matching and to receive constructive feedback on their proposals prior to the final application deadline.

Grant Review & Grading: Grant pre-proposals and proposals will be reviewed by seasoned researchers within the ASSFN membership. Potential mentors serving as reviewers will be required to recuse themselves from an application in which they are involved.

The ASSFN Fellow will be selected based on the merit and novelty of the research idea, as well as the feasibility of the proposed research plan.

Criteria for Accepting Awards/Matrics for Success

The ASSFN Fellow will be expected to submit progress reports to the ASSFN Research Committee biennially, and to present his/her data at the ASSFN biennial meeting. Upon completion of the award, past ASSFN Fellows will still be expected to submit annual research progress reports, present at the ASSFN biennial meeting, and respond to ASSFN research surveys for up to five years. This information, as well as other measurable outcomes (i.e., posters, publications, grant funding) of former award recipients will be used by the ASSFN to help gauge the success of the program.