Focused Ultrasound


Focused ultrasound, sometimes referred to as high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), is one of the newer ways a neurosurgeon can make a lesion in the brain. Focused ultrasound involves the targeting of a multitude of ultrasound sources into one region of the brain. Although each beam is itself harmless, the small region in which they all converge can be “burned” in a safe and controlled manner. The neurosurgeon performing the procedure will be using real-time MRI to monitor the temperature of the brain and carefully control what area is damaged while keeping the rest of your brain safe. Once the procedure is finished, most patients go home that safe day, all without a single incision in their skin. 

Currently, the focused ultrasound technology is used to help control tremor – both in Essential Tremor and in Parkinson’s disease. If you think you or a loved one may be a candidate please talk to your doctor or use our Specialist Finder to find an expert near you.